Be a good friend.
And get paid for it.
Zero Cost:
100% free offer.
Get paid to join and
paid for sharing.
Quick recap:
Deposit $50 get $25.
Earn $75 each time your
referrals do the same.
It's that easy.
Before clicking the GET STARTED button at the bottom of this page, it's important to read the Quick Pay Help KEYS below.

The following are answers to four key questions on your SoFi application:

KEY 1:
Select "Individual account"

KEY 2:
If your occupation doesn't show, type in
Marketing or Sales. Either one is appropriate for the SoFi referral program.

KEY 3:
"Transfer instantly"

KEY 4:
Edit the instant deposit amount. Change it to $50. Fifty is the minimum required to get paid your $25 bonus today.

IMPORTANT: Use a traditional bank debit card when making your instant $50 deposit. Don't use PayPal, CashApp or Venmo cards. Examples of "Traditional Banks" are local or state banks and big banks like Chase, Wells Fargo, etc.

MUST🏠MATCH: The debit card you deposit the $50 with is associated with your home mailing🏠address. Use that same mailing🏠address when applying for your SoFi account.

VIEW  IMAGES of the four KEYS in the expandable link below before clicking the GET STARTED button at the bottom of this page.

It's that easy!
Start earning $75 per referral today.

Don't delay. Get started now!